> Welcome to Manon Cervulle
> New article in "Nanoscale"
Congrats to Jazia for her new article in Nanoscale on the study of effects of antimicrobial LDH on S. aureus with an original approach for AFM functionalization with particles.
> New article in "Nano Research"
We used force spectroscopy with phage modified tips to determine the molecular receptor of phage 187 on the surface of S. aureus.
> Welcome to Baptiste Arbez
I recently joined LCPME as a CNRS engineer on the Scazym project. I have a multidisciplinary background as I am a materials science engineer (Polytech Nantes) and a PhD of the University of Angers in biomaterials for regenerative medicine. My work in LCPME focuses on the characterization of antimicrobial enzyme coatings and on the mechanisms that rule the interactions between the coatings and microorganisms mainly through AFM-based single molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS), Raman spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy and microbiology viability assays.